MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Business School

Course Award: MSc

Entry Date: Open enrolment


MSc Business Analytics and Consultancy will provide you with the quantitative research skills required for the fast evolving, data driven business environment and skills most highly valued by today’s employers who increasingly seek graduates with the decision skills to inform and manage transformational change, including the use of data-driven, evidence-based approaches to management decision-making in complex business environments.

There are several core elements of this MSc programme that will set you apart in the corporate world, these include the core skills you will gain on our Business Analytics course followed by our research-led Big Data Analytics course, the Network Analysis course and a new course in Management Consultancy.

Programme Duration

It can take a student four years to complete a full MSc, but it can be completed faster or over a longer period. It is self-paced.

Programme Outline

The programme comprises of six mandatory courses, and two electives. Students wishing to progress to MSc level will also be required to complete a dissertation. Courses are assessed by a written examination and/or written coursework.

Mandatory Courses

  • Business Analytics and Introduction to Big Data
  • Research Philosophy and Practice
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Finance and Financial Reporting
  • Network Analysis for Business
  • Management Consultancy

Elective Courses

  • Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma
  • Measuring and Managing Performance
  • Project Management
  • Quality Management
  • Strategic Change
  • Systems Thinking and Analysis

Programme Fees

Each course is £1,340 and the capstone project is £1,480.

8 courses x £1,340 = £12,200.

NB: Payment is Pay as You Go (you pay on a module-by-module basis). This affords you the flexibility around payment and helps you better plan your finances.

Entry Requirements

Typically, you will hold a recognised first or second class honours degree, or equivalent professional qualification. Students whose native language is not English and who have not been educated previously in the English language must provide evidence of their English language proficiency. Alternatively, Heriot-Watt Online students can take exams in two courses of the programmes, Business Analytics and Management Consultancy. Based on the result from these two courses students will continue the programme at MSc level.

Student Support

Students in Nigeria can also attend scheduled exam-intensive lectures and tutorials with EDC either in person in our Lagos center and Abuja center or online via Zoom ahead of each examination diet. The lecture timetable is released in advance of these sessions.

Exam Structure

Most courses assessed by final examinations

Exams come in multiple formats from one course to another

Case studies/Essays/Scenarios/part pre-exam work/pitch.
The full details of the exam format for each course are available on the respective course portals.

Exam Diet

April, August, and December

Exam Results

Results are released six to eight weeks after the exam

Enquiry Form

Executive Education Enquiry Form